There is so much to be upset and angry about these days, it’s easy to fall into reaction mode.
We absolutely need to call out the wrongs being done, but we also need to make sure we have a plan in place, a message to present, something for people embrace so they have an alternative to the easy-answers rhetoric of the Trump administration.
The message needs to be well honed. It needs to be short, sweet and powerful. There need to be details and facts to support the message, but that needs to be kept out of the way until needed. Simply having facts and details will be a differentiator.
But we (we being the broad range of people who object to Trump’s agenda) need to begin working on two things. One, coming up with a clear, powerful message. Two, deciding who will deliver the message.
I believe different parts of the message can come from different groups. But I think it’s important all the groups show unity.